Hey I'm
Ahmed Touil a Software Engineer a Game Dev Enthusiast

I love building useful things. Interested in performance, game dev and AI

Email: contactathomield@gmail.com



Mattami : Restaurant Tycoon

Written in C#. Mattami is a restaurant simulation game. It features fine-grained interactions between various elements in the simulation (chefs, waiters, customer , appliances etc...). The code is highly optimized for these numerous interactions that run simultaneously. Works great on both phones and PC. Checkout On Steam


A* for ECS/DOTS is a pathfinding and navigation package based on the A* algorithm and RVO Agent Avoidance. A* For ECS/DOTS provides an easy way to add agent navigation with avoidance to your project. This package is performant enough to have hundreds of actors moving around the scene, making it a good fit for RTS games and other similar genres. The code is is easy to navigate and extend which means you can add your own functionnality of top of it. Documentation

Elemental Royal Arena

This is a prototype game similar to clash royale. Has a full deck managment system. Playable againest an AI agent (using Behaviour Trees). Play Here

Release the wheel

A hypercasual game prototype Watch Short On Youtube

Square Hop

An infinite runner on blocks